Monday, December 5, 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Video Transition - Key To Introducing Call-To-Action

Video Transition - Key To Introducing Call-To-Action
by Reed Slidell
Now when you have made a video, you need to add an outro, the action call. The entire point of making a video, what are you wanting them to get on with next, subscribe, pick up the telephone, book your seat for example. Typically we put a URL on there. So what I'd do is add a video transition. I really like to do a fade to black, sometimes I do a fade to black and then I add a title.
The one I do at the end usually is a zoom because I want it to really stand out for people. I usually match, if I've used a black screen at the beginning, I use a black screen at the end, it just helps to keep it clean just like the videos of our SEO company. You don't need to overdo it.
In our call to action we could say, see the remainder of this convention, visit, or something similar to that. This is the purpose of the video on your website. It is almost like they have observed a little bit of the video and we're hooking them. Then we are saying, if you want to see the rest of it, head back to our website to see the remainder of it, or something like that.
Obviously it's going to vary, but usually, thinking about what the goal is, the goal is to get them back to your website, so you need a very clear call to action. Because you may be going to be distribute this and it won't necessarily be embedded into our web page, it's all about getting them to come back to the site, whereas sometimes the call to action might be opt in below or something like that.
So 'See The Next Part Of This Seminar, visit' Generally we use title case, this is your decision. Beneath you just put in your URL. In iMovie, how we resize it, you highlight it, show fonts, and then you've got this slider. Fundamentally for this type of video transitions, we just slide it up as sizeable as it'll go and it balances with the title above it.
Building on that, when using any text in video, say the words learn SEO, for me larger is usually better especially if you're talking on black screens at the introduction or outro, dependent on what size they're having a look at the video. If you've got space there, you may as well use it and make it as simple to use for somebody as practicable.
One thing with YouTube, you can insert links. They've got some post editing material. But they won't let you link off site. You can link to other videos, you can get them to subscribe. There are different ways you can embed actions into video or video transitions. Traffic Geyser is a good place to look, they've got custom video players that you can add those sort of actions. Also check out some internet marketing reviews on similar tools.nSo at the end of a video, the video changes to an opt-in box. There are a few different ways to do that but iMovie obviously we can't do that. The outro defaults to about three seconds, three and a half seconds, that's not long enough. So we just go in, double click it, go in, make it eight to ten seconds usually.
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