Sunday, November 27, 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Brand Building on Twitter-What You Must Know

Brand Building on Twitter-What You Must Know
by Eduardo Espinoza
Twitter is a great way to reach out to your target audience and build a strong brand. But, it is not being used that much by internet companies in this day and time. The goal of this article is to show you how to make Twitter beneficial for you and produce a strong brand in the process.
Don't Sell: One of the most important things that you need to understand about Twitter is that it's not a place to sell stuff. You can do that on eBay. Putting sales pitches into your tweets will work against building your brand. In order to utilize Twitter to your benefit and grow your brand, you must use this tool as a way to form relationships. That is correct. Branding is all about impressing your focused market and making your company look very positive. It's okay to send out a link to your new product to your followers on Twitter, but doing the sales promotion on every 5th tweet will do more harm to your brand than good. Your followers will see that your goal is to sell products and not give something of value. Obviously, this would affect your tweeting efforts. Aim at building a brand on Twitter by giving your followers what they want. This is so that they will still like you when you are selling products in the future.
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Ask Questions: Unlike question/answer sites like Yahoo! Answers, asking questions on Twitter can actually help you build your brand. This will bring you good results because it will expose you to others and they will want to get in touch with you. The kind of questions that you ask should be niche specific and shouldn't look like you're a newbie. This is because being tagged as a newbie would not build up your brand. Your questions do not have to be any particular type, but they should be professional and show your expertise. When someone responds to your questions, you should always send them a tweet and show your appreciation. Do not think that Twitter is not valuable when it comes to creating your brand. This is because there are tons of techniques that can be utilized to your benefit in order to be viewed positively in the eyes of your followers. Making queries is just one technique.
Not Just Twitter: You shouldn't focus solely on Twitter, despite it being a great way to build a strong relationship with your prospects, because you have to do everything you can to ensure that you relationship with them is strong and sustainable. You can move to texting or getting people to call you on the phone, having webinars or even meeting in person. It is vital to keep in mind that Twitter shouldn't be your whole brand building strategy but only an effective component of it. You need to focus on expanding your horizons so that your target market is reached out from all avenues. The goal is to offer your customers/prospects value and Twitter should be used only as a channel to achieve this rather than the central element to your brand strategy. You need to avoid limiting your potential and your resources and you need to be more creative. This is the most effective way to increase brand awareness and create a brand that is respected.
In conclusion, using Twitter you can transform your brand into something more than what it is now, or even create one from scratch. People are naturally social and it is something that should be leveraged.


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