Thursday, October 27, 2011 @ 9:51 AM

Here's the Free Secret to Get Your Web Page to the Top of Google,Yahoo, or Bing's Search Results

Here's the Free Secret to Get Your Web Page to the Top of Google,Yahoo, or Bing's Search Results
by Victor C. Krumm
Here is a professional secret I found. Getting to the top of Google's Search Results is not nearly so difficult as it looks.
Why even think about the top of those results? <a href="">Free web traffic</a> gold! Almost 90% of all Internet traffic goes to a web page displayed on the first page of Google's Search Results. Another 9% click on a web page on the second page of Search Results---but no farther.
Only 1% of all web searchers go past the first two pages of Google, Yahoo, or Bing's search results.
Here's the really incredible thing. Only about 1% of all web pages get onto the first or second page of Search Results , but they get nearly 99% of all the planet's clicks to their web pages!
Even though it is highly unlikely to get all of your web pages onto the first page of a major search engine's Search Results, if you follow one or two simple rules you can get a number of them there.
Consider it this way: someone is at the very top. Are you not at least as deserving? So, what are you waiting for?
Take the time to design your site's page so that you can get to the top of Google. The key is to design it around a keyword that, with some good website promotion, will rocket it past the competition.
All you need to do is to know the secret formula.
Getting to the top of Google starts before the first word is written. This is because each web page (whether you are aware of it or not) depends upon its keywords. Discover the best keyword and you will get good traffic and rise quickly in the Search Results. Pick a poor keyword and you may not get much traffic or face so much competition you'll never get ranked.
Now, or course, your competition certainly think their keywords are the bestâ€"-or they wouldn't use them. However, if you were to ask them how theyknew a great keyword from a poor one, they would have no good response because their keyword decision-making process was wholly subjective.
In sharp relief to that imaginative "build it and they will come" approach, if you are serious about succeeding online, your evaluation process has to be completely objective. No seat-of-the-pants, no feel-good-about, page building. Nope. Your approach should be hard-nosed, based entirely on objective evidence.
Fortunately for web masters, that evidence is quick and easy to find and, better yet, free with keyphrase analysis tools you can find in a couple of clicks of your mouse..
Here is what you need to do.
Build your page around a keyword that has <b> <u>both</u> </b> of these characteristics: global monthly searches of 3,000 or more (the more the better) and less than 80,000-100,000 competing pages on Google (the less the better).
Any keyword with significantly less than 3,000 searchesa month is not going to produce enough traffic to worry about so ignore keywords that do not meet that figure (unless very close). 4,000 searches a month is better than 3,000; 10,000+ is even better, and so on.
Use free online research tools like the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find keywords satisfying or surpassing the 3,000 searches/month element. Enter a keyword into the tool and Google will display up to 800 related keywords, each showing the estimated monthly searches.
Then, just as importantly, use that keyword in your web page <u> only </u> if it meets the second criteria: normally less than 80,000 -100,000 competing web pages (use your judgment for competition exceeding 100,000) for the exact same keyword. Why? Because, believe it or not, with some smart link building and site promotion techniques, 80,000-100,000 competing pages aren't very many to beat!
How are you able to easily find the number of competing pages?
Simply go to the Google browser (not Yahoo or Bing) you use every day, put the keyword you found in Google's Keyword Tool between quotation marks, and click. You will instantaneously see the number of competing pages. Use 100,000 or so as the recommended ceiling but don't forget that for this part of the formula, the fewer the better.
50,000 is better than 80,000; 25,000 is often easy to get to the top in a few weeks.
Remember, though, the best keyword is the one which meets both criteria, not just one or the other.
Behind every great Internet business are successful <a href="">online business ideas</a>.Were you aware that only 1% of all web pages get 99% of the world's clicks? Don't settle for the pathetic 1% of traffic shared with 99% of all sites; instead , learn how to <a href="">get to the top of Google</a> and find traffic gold.


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