Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 3:29 PM

I know your ads aren't working.

How do I know this?

Because I'm betting that you're probably getting a pathetically
low click-through rate and an almost non-existent conversion
rate out of those ads.

Let me explain.

The truth is, banner ads and link exchanges just don't work
anymore. People just ignore them completely.

Google and other major companies that get the bulk of their
profits from advertising have tried to counteract this
'banner blindness' by making ads different sizes
- which worked ... for awhile.

You can be the best graphic designer or copywriter in the
world - and it doesn't make one bit of difference. Your ads
still have a horrible conversion rate.

Want to know which kind of ads people don't ignore?
==> Header Ads.

The header is the area at the very top of a web page. It
usually includes the product name, maybe a photo of the
creator and a graphic of a software box or book cover.

It's also the very first thing people notice on a website,
and the very first graphic to load.

Now what if you could take this same header area from
someone else's site and put YOUR ads on it?

Can you see just how much more targeted that would be?
The site visitors can't help but notice it - which means
you get more click-thrus and more eager buyers coming
to YOUR site!

See what I mean at

It's like getting someone else to do all the marketing
for you. All you do is sit back and watch as the customers
pour in!

And best of all - if you go to
- you'll find out exactly how much this advertising costs:


But I should warn you. As soon as the big marketing
pros hear about this - their servers are going to fill up
fast. And once the space fills up, they might have to
start charging.

Get in now before it's too late -

Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 1:33 PM

easiest different ways to get yuour first million online fastly

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @ 11:19 PM

Beginner Make $52,591 Within 48 Hours

Download The 15 Modules & Watch An ABSOULTE   for free

Make Thousands On Auto-Pilot By Simply Blogging

Make Thousands On Auto-Pilot From The Comfort Of Your Home By Simply Blogging!


Wondering what big-time bloggers make
It’s a lot more than you might think.

In these uncertain times, people who blog professionally
are more certain of their security than people who work
for someone else.

You can make part-time or full-time income from blogging!

(Even if you don’t know the first thing about it)

Learn how to set yourself up to earn a great living as a
popular blogger on the following page:

How Jack delivers even if he's out of time


I got this note from Jack Humphrey today:


Here’s a real-world reason why I love Utility Poster.

You have to have new blog posts going up regularly to get
all the traffic and rankings you possibly can. I want a new
post going up every week day.

There are some days where a post is
just not going to be possible if I create it from scratch.

This is true for all bloggers. You’re just not always going
to have time.

At this point you have 2 choices:

1.Forget about it for today and miss an opportunity for
rankings, links, Tweets, and satisfying your readers.

2.Get something up fast that still meets your quality
standards, keeps you on schedule, and gets you links,
traffic, and happy readers.

Most everyone chooses #1. This is because they simply don’t
know they have a choice.

My choice today, as busy as I was with other things, was to
open Utility Poster and bang out a great news post in about
7 minutes.

Other great bloggers in my niche DID have time to post today
and I simply used their hard work to add valuable content to
my site, giving my readers tips and posts to read that they
may have otherwise missed.

They love it. The engines love it. And I didn’t miss a beat
despite being swamped today.

THAT’S how important this tool is to me.

My blog makes 5 figures a month because I post regularly even
if it’s a 7 minute post on days where I just don’t have time
for anything else.

Pass this on to your readers. They need this tool.
They are going to love you for sharing it with them!

-Jack Humphrey


I couldn’t have said it better. That’s Jack showing the power
of Utility Poster and how it fits in his blogging routine.

If it’s that important to Jack, it should be that important
to you!

Grab Utility Poster right now, before they put the price back
to where it probably belongs!

Best Regards

Have you ever wondered how pro bloggers keep up with all the information flying around in their market niches?

 I've always thought the
task of grabbing constant, up to date market
intel was a pain.

At the same time, I know what it means to
know everything your market is talking
about, asking about, frustrated about, and,
what your competition is up to,

There's a new free tool out called Blog Talk
Monitor where you can "watch" the
information in your market float by on your

Think of the power of knowing exactly what's
going on all around you in your niche at the
push of a button!

You should play with this software today and
see how powerful it is. I can't believe the
stuff I am finding with it!

$48,506.66 In 4 Weeks From Scratch With No List...

Here it comes...
I'm about to drop a bombshell
that's going to change the
affiliate marketing world
You're about to learn how one guy
entered Clickbank as a total
newbie and earned $11,516.45
in his first week...


...and went on to make over $48k
in my first month as a Clickbank affiliate.

And that's with no list, no JV
partners, and starting new sites
from scratch using free web

Check it out here:


Michael's documented everything on
video, so you can see how he chose
the products, how he gets his traffic,

You can literally copy what you see
him do, and make easy commissions

But the best part is that you can get
started now, and it doesn't have to
cost you a penny...

Here's that link again:


To your success,
Your Name

PS- Ths strategies Michael Jones reveals
here are some of the most powerful I've

Grab them before your competitors do



Over 99% of all websites are not making
the money they deserve because they are
missing at least one of these tools...

Make Money Before You Pay!

Smart Subscriber Guarantees
You Can Make Money Before You
Have To Pay. 90 Day Free Trial

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 11:32 PM

With no credit cards or Paypal account stuff upfront, I'd say that's a pretty rock solid and safe trial


So how many times have you seen someone offer you a
free trial of something or other, but to get started
you need to provide a credit card number, or use your
Paypal account to sign up.

A lot of services or products even ask that you pay
ONLY $1 to start any sort of trial and act as if you
are getting an incredible value.

But what they are really doing is getting your credit
card number or PayPal account locked into their auto
re-billing feature and hiding behind their real motive
simply by telling you that it is for your convenience.

It is a well known fact that many people who offer
products or services are making more money due simply
to people forgetting to cancel these auto re-bills.

Now I'm not in any way speaking for all marketers.
Many do in fact provide great value and are trying to
make things easier, but it is also an overly abused
marketing tactic to make the product or service owner
a lot of extra recurring income.

You see a lot of unethical marketers know that most
of the time you will forget about the trial and a few
months later you will finally notice that you have been
charged XX dollars every month. Guess who makes a pile
of money that way. That's not cool man.

So it is something to watch out for when signing up
to any trials of anything.

On a total flip side, here's an example of a guy who
has an insanely good trial offer, but you don't
have to give your credit card or Paypal account up
front. It's just a free trial, because he believe it
works and is not hiding behind anything!

It's a no obligations 90 Day Free Trial of what's
called the Smart Subscriber marketing system. His name
is Ian and he's been an online marketer for over a
decade and claims he will make you mon.ey through
affi.liate comm.issions just to prove his service is
worth paying for!


test your marketing IQ!


A question to test your marketing IQ:

"How can an average guy design, automate & promote
a highly profitable website and have it ready in
less than 1 week... without even having a product
to sell? (And do it over and over again)."

Anyone can duplicate this and easily earn a
predictable 5 figure income in 6 months or
less... 100% guaranteed!

Click here to discover how it's done:

Clickbank Code

You've Heard Of Clickbank Right? [Breaking News]

If you've ever used Clickbank, listen up.

Things are about to change, permanently.

I can't give you too much detail at the moment,
but I can tell you everything you thought
you knew about Clickbank is wrong.


And there's proof.

You see {NAME}, over the past couple
of months, a guy named Michael Jones
has been doing some in-depth research
into Clickbank.

I'm talking about real crazy professor style
scientific experiments...

He went in there as a green newbie
affiliate, started a few promotions, and
kept careful notes on EVERYTHING he


And man, the stuff he found is going to
blow your mind.

He won't reveal it yet, but I've had a
sneak peak, and let me tell you, when
he pulls back the curtain, get ready for
some hard truths.

And I must warn you – this stuff is going
to upset a lot of people. It's going to make
others downright angry...


But the only thing I'm sure of is that when
MJ reveals this stuff, it's going to change
the Clickbank world FOREVER.

{NAME}, I can't reveal any more than that
right now, but I'll be in touch soon.


Get ready for some changes...
